Last year Valid Nutrition’s factory in Malawi produced 3 million sachets of RUTF, enough to treat 25,000 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
Over the past year our factory in Malawi, which we operate with our partners Exagris Africa, has produced 3 million sachets of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), sufficient to treat around 25,000 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). Despite these figures...
Disruptive Innovation: Ben Ramalingam talks about Steve and Valid’s Work
Ben Ramalingam of Humanitarian Innovation Fund talks about Steve and Valid's work in this insightful article about disruptive innovation: "The Power of Disruptors"
Read Steve’s contribution to Unicef’s flagship publication: The State of the World’s Children
Steve was invited to contribute to Unicef's flagship publication, The State of the World's Children - Reimagine the Future: Innovation for Every Child. You can read his article, Empowering Communities to Tackle Malnutrition here Download the full report here ...
Valid Nutrition and the opportunities and challenges of producing RUTF in Malawi
Valid Nutrition have always argued that RUTF should be produced in the developing countries and regions where it is consumed, ideally using local ingredients sourced from small-holder farmers. Doing so brings major developmental advantages and a corresponding...
Valid Nutrition Partners with Dropchef : Cook-One, Feed One.
Valid Nutrition is delighted to partner with a new Dublin based company, Drop Chef . You choose your chef designed recipe, Drop Chef deliver the fresh ingredients to your door and you cook your delicious healthy meal. For every meal you order Drop Chef will donate...
Why VALID Nutrition can make a difference
In addition to the many millions still suffering from acute malnutrition, over one-third of all children in developing countries globally experience chronic malnutrition – often referred to as "hidden hunger". Aside from the inherent suffering, the devastating...
Community-based Treatment of SAM delivers exceptional clinical outcomes
A New CMN Report Reviewing the Performance of Community-Based SAM. Click here to download PDF.
VALID’s Call to Action to the Corporate Sector
Corporations and the fight against hunger: Why CSR won't do. Click here to read more.
Unicef Report 2013 Improving Child Nutrition
Unicef recently launched their latest report on Child Nutrition in Dublin. Click here to read more.
The Business of Nutrition
We treat starvation victims as active clients rather than passive victims. Read more.
Dr Steve Collins reflects on the opportunities and problems associated with the USD$250 million contribution announced by Administrator, Samantha Power of USAID – a positive catalyst for change?
VALID commissioned and achieved peer-review of a professional report to quantify objectively the overall climate impact profile of the amino-acid enhanced, plant-based RUTF recipe. It has found that the overall global warming potential impacts of the plant-based RUTF recipe are 47%-52% less than the milk-peanut based recipe.
Dr Steve Collins gives a hugely informative and enlightened interview to ENN podcast while discussing his candid Reflections on the UN Global Action Plan on Wasting.