Valid Nutrition is delighted to announce that our application to CAFAmerica has been successful and we are now eligible to receive grants/donations from U.S. individuals, corporations or foundations. Many U.S. donors want to contribute to solving global problems. The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) America is an intermediary grant-making organisation that enables U.S. donors to give to charities outside of the U.S. in a tax efficient manner. It connects donors with international non-profit organisations such as Valid Nutrition and their rigorous eligibility process helps to ensure that giving is as safe and secure as possible for the U.S. donor. Successfully achieving CAFAmerica eligibility enables any U.S. donor to make a grant/gift to us in a tax efficient manner. Valid Nutrition can now receive a grant/donation from U.S. individuals, corporations or foundations. Donors can make their donation through CAFAmerica and simply nominate Valid® Nutrition as the beneficiary. Find out more about CAFAmerica and how to make a donation/grant at