With a view to extending our product range in Malawi and having received generous grant support from USAID’s Southern Africa Trade Hub (SATH), VALID’s local Factory is now in the process of commissioning a Ready-to-Use Complementary Food (RUCF) pack-filling machine. RUCFs are designed to prevent Chronic Malnutrition which affects 43% of all children in Malawi and on average over 40% of all children in sub Saharan Africa. We are working with WFP on a new RUCF product specification so that we can commence production trials as soon as possible. With support from Irish Aid and the Department of Agriculture, VALID is also intending to undertake a pilot project in Malawi using RUCF that will initiate the process of changing how children affected by Chronic Malnutrition are reached – using a customer and market driven approach as we endeavour to unlock this potentially massive market. View this link for more information.